
FluxSense-Measurements of VOC Emissions from Refineries and Petrochemical Industries

FluxSense-New State of the art technique for VOCs Emission Monitoring

FluxSense company is a spinoff company from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. FluxSense adopts a new state of the art technique to locate and quantify fugitive gas emissions. The technology is called SOF-Solar Occultation Flux.
SOF is included as Best Available Technology in the most recent European BREF document for refineries, SOF will be a European standard for refinery measurements(CENTC264/WG38) in 2018.

With its unique optical technique, FluxSense could offer the services:

  • Total emission quantification
  • Area divisions and point source measurements
  • Leak search and detection
  • Community monitoring


FluxSense AB
Hörsalsvägen 11
SE-412 58, Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone number: +46 70 30 99 669
Email address: contact@fluxsense.se