European Energy

‘European Energy develops, finances, constructs and operates wind and solar farms as well as large-scale PtX plants. Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, the company has a strong track record as a renewable energy operator across Europe, Brazil, USA and Australia.

We are working hard to make newly installed wind and solar farms price competitive with existing coal and gas generators, as we believe that it is the market, not the taxpayers, who hold the solution to climate change. European Energy is reaching these goals together with our customers, large corporations sourcing renewable energy and utilities looking to provide consumers with green power or district heating. We construct our energy parks in close cooperation with visionary institutional investors, for instance pension funds, who are looking for low risk, long term investments contributing to a better future.


It is all about climate change

We believe that there is one challenge greater than everything else, namely climate change. At European Energy, we understand that our responsibility as a company is to encourage and facilitate the fight against climate change, now. We do not take this responsibility lightly. The renewable energy projects that we are building today will help provide the foundation for the fossil-free society of the future.


We only have green energy plans

A large part of the solution to the climate crisis is right in front of us – and it is the cheapest form of energy: solar and wind. However, we should not underestimate the task in front of us. Currently only 2-3% of global energy production comes from those two technologies. Most of the energy we use comes from burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels. There is a lot of old fossil-based capacity we need to replace with green alternatives.


We fight for future generations

Therefore, there is a growing need for a company like European Energy to step up. The green transition needs dedicated companies to champion the cause – and future generations are counting on it. The most important realization across the world the past couple of years was probably that climate change is here. This is not a problem we can kick down the road and leave to our children to pick up. The time is now. In European Energy, we will do our utmost to push the green transition in the years to come. We expect to build around 500 MW of fossil-free energy capacity every year – saving the planet from approximately 1.25 million tons of CO2.

More information

See enclosed presentation

Contact person:

Vanessa Jane Hogan

Market Development Manager
+45 22 49 22 23

European Energy A/S